Army Aviation

Working With Congress and Holiday Wishes

Congresswoman Rosa DeLauro and AAAA Executive Director, Mr. Bill Harris, meeting in her offices on November 14, 2024. - AAPI photo from Bill Harris

From all of us at the AAAA Global Headquarters, we hope you all have had a wonderful Holiday Season… time with family and loved ones. And especially during this time, our thoughts and prayers are with our men and women in uniform who are deployed and engaged around the globe in support of our Nation’s vital mission.

I’m pleased to report that we had a very successful Cribbins Readiness Conferrence in Huntsville, AL beginning on Veterans Day in November. The professional programs and sessions were incisive and impactful, and we thank the entire Aviation General Officer Steering Committee (GOSC) for their presence, participation and support for the forum’s entirety.

Our Industry partner support and participation, as always, was incredibly strong and invaluable to the realization of our Networking and Voice pillars. Please take a look at page 74 for a complete wrap up and especially the coverage of our incredible AAAA awardees. A real highlight was the AAAA Murder Mystery Dinner hosted by our AAAA Scholarship Foundation… what a tremendous evening (the Roaring Twenties Speakeasy theme was taken seriously by your AAAA National Executive Group… you determine whether you believe your Association has adequate leadership after viewing the group picture!) where over $95,000 was donated in support of our signature Recognition and Support program. And in that spirit, I want to highlight Chapter President, COL (Ret.) Ron Lukow’s AAAA Washington Potomac Chapter Annual Scholarship Fund Raising Formal held in late November. What an incredible evening; one that truly showcases the programs and activities of our chapters, which are the backbone, and indicative of the strength, of our great Association. I was privileged to attend, and witness first-hand the impact that our incredible scholarship program has on the lives and future success of the recipients.

Not to be left out, our Voice pillar was firmly addressed over the last month. Our very own AAAA Executive Director, Mr. Bill Harris (the epitome of persistence), was able to meet with our Army Aviation Caucus Co-Chair, the Honorable Rosa DeLauro (D CT-3) in her office in Washington, D. C. on Thursday November 14, 2024. During the meeting with her staff the course was set for the next year with the selection of the Honorable Dale Strong, (R AL-5) as her Republican co-chair, and the next meeting projected to take place in the first quarter of CY 25. There is still some work to do to get additional members of Congress to join the Caucus in the new Congress next year. If you have a Congressman in your district that may be interested due to a connection to Army Aviation through personal experience, having an installation in their area, or related industry please send your suggestions in to Bill at who will forward to the co-chairs for action.

Finally, on behalf of the Association, I’d like to welcome back LTC (Ret.) Kevin Cochie who will transition back to serve as the Chairman, Legislative Affairs Committee and the Association’s Legislative Liaison. We can’t thank LTC (Ret.) Josh Baker enough for all of the work he has done in that role for the past several years… very much appreciate his passion and edication in support of our Association.

As we look forward to 2025, we hope to see you at one of our events – the Luther Jones Depot Symposium has shifted to February 11-12 and of course our AAAA Annual Summit on May 14-16. Thanks to all our members for a really great 2024!!!

Above the Best!

MG Walt Davis, U.S. Army Retired
36th President, AAAA