
Advertiser Spotlight Program

You… make it possible for our warfighters to have the very best equipment in the world. Make sure they know who you are and what you do!

Each month, one company will be spotlighted in ARMY AVIATION Magazine in the Advertiser Spotlight section. If chosen, your company may submit newsworthy information that will appeal to the Army Aviation community.

Your article will reach 21,200 AAAA members and subscribers including Army Aviation leaders, Soldiers, Activity Directors, PMs, and other key decision makers who read ARMY AVIATION Magazine to stay current on ARMY AVIATION reports, news, and developments.

To qualify, your company must have a signed 2025 insertion order for print advertising in ARMY AVIATION Magazine (1 Ad Minimum). Selected company will be randomly chosen (pulled out of an aviator helmet) by the 15th of the month prior. If you do not meet the criteria but are still interested, please contact

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