Army Aviation

Technician Warrant Officers in the Combat Aviation Brigade

Chief Warrant Officer of the Branch — By CW5 Allen R. Godfrey

114 cwoThere are 57 different Warrant Officer Military Operational Specialties (MOS) representing 13 Army Branches. There are aviation centric MOS technicians and non-aviation MOS technicians;  however, they are all technical and each requires a specific level of technical expertise. 

In a typical combat aviation brigade, there are approximately 300 warrant officer positions. As expected, the majority are aviator specific MOS. Not as well known and understood are the approximately 50 non-aviator technician warrant officers representing 17 MOSs and 10 branches.  

Each technician warrant officer brings a unique skill to the function of the CAB. Without these highly trained and skilled technicians, the CAB will be unable to successfully complete the mission. Each warrant officer in these MOSs works in various staffs, shops, and platoons. They work in all unit levels from company to brigade.

In the CAB, there are warrant officer technicians in each staff function – S1, personnel; S2, intelligence; S3, operations; S4, logistics; and S6, signal. They also work in the forward support maintenance companies, aviation intermediate maintenance companies, and air traffic services companies. The following are brief descriptions of each MOS taken in part from DA Pam 600-3 Commissioned Officer Professional Development and Career Management.

131A – Field Artillery Targeting Technician provides assistance and advice to the commander and staff on all matters relative to the employment of Field Artillery target acquisition, fire support assets and the Army’s targeting methodology. FA warrant officers work in the CAB S3 Lethal Fires Section.

140A – Command and Control Integrator Technician supervises, plans, maintains, manages, and coordinates all joint data link operations and command, control, communications, computers and intelligence (C4I) systems training associated with brigade level air defense air management (ADAM) cells. C2 warrant officers work in the CAB S3 ADAM Cell.

150A – Air Traffic and Air Space Management Technician supervises the effective utilization of air traffic control (ATC) equipment and ATC personnel; supervises combat support and fixed base facility operations procedures; and supervises airspace management functions and airspace processing procedures into the National Airspace System (NAS). ATSAM warrant officers work in the general support aviation battalion air traffic services company and CAB S3 ADAM Cell.

150U – Unmanned Aircraft Systems Operations Technician supervises UAS operations, to include mission planning, mission payload operation, launching, remotely piloting, and recovering unmanned aerial systems; supervises employment of TUASs to conduct aerial reconnaissance, target detection, and target engagement. UAS Warrant Officers work in the Extended Range Multipurpose UAS Company.

151A – Aviation Maintenance Technician manages personnel, supply, equipment, and facility assets to maintain and repair Army rotary and fixed wing aircraft. They supervise aviation equipment maintenance and repair shop, section, or platoon. Aviation maintenance warrant officers work in battalion aviation maintenance companies.

255A – Information Services Technician supervises and manages information system assets associated with Automated Information Systems (AIS) and Internet Protocol (IP) Local Area Networks (LAN). They lead personnel and sections and manage the training of personnel on the installation, administration, management, maintenance, operation, integration, securing and troubleshooting of tactical AIS, intranets, and video teleconferencing (VTC) systems. Information Services warrant officers work in the CAB S6 Section.

255N – Network Management Technician supervises and manages the operation of tactical and strategic information networks, systems, and associated personnel at the LAN and wide area network (WAN) level. They lead personnel and sections and manage the training of personnel on the planning, installing, administrating, managing, maintaining, integrating, operating, servicing, securing, optimizing, and troubleshooting of information networks and systems. Network Management warrant officers work in the S6 Section.

290A – Electronic Warfare (EW) Technician plans, organizes, implements, monitors, and evaluates operations and the threat environment. The EW Technician provides advice on technical and tactical employment of joint EW systems, and integrates EW into the targeting process. They will assist and coordinate with the S-2/G2 on Intelligence Preparation of the Battlefield (IPB) as it pertains to EW. EW warrant officers work in the CAB S3 Lethal Fires Section.

114 cwo2
WO1 Kilian C. Jakob, left, electronic warfare technician, and SFC Juan Aviles, electronic warfare specialist, both from 4th Cbt. Avn. Bde., 4th Inf. Div., practice using electronic warfare equipment during joint training with the Air Force at the Moorman Space Education and Training Center on Peterson Air Force Base, CO, Oct. 31.

350F – All Sources Intelligence Technician serves as the technical and tactical expert in charge of multi-echelon intelligence analytical elements. They advise the commander and staff elements on intelligence considerations through assessments and tailored intelligence products. All Source Intelligence warrant officers work in the CAB S2 Section.

420A – Human Resources Technician manages functions which support the Army’s human resources (HR)/personnel management systems. Monitors input to the eMILPO, SIDPERS (NG) DIMHRS, OMF, EMF, and other automated/manual data systems used in human resources / personnel management by use of established forms and coding procedures. HR warrant officers work in the CAB S1 Section. 

882A – Mobility Officer plans, organizes, and supervises the preparation and execution of unit movement and distribution operations. They assist commanders in planning and conducting unit movement operations and operational maneuver. Mobility warrant officers work in the CAB S4 Section.

890A – Ammunition Warrant Officer manages, supervises, and coordinates the receipt, storage, issue, surveillance testing, maintenance, modification, destruction and demilitarization of conventional ammunition, to include missile, missile explosive components, and non-nuclear explosive items. Ammunition warrant officers work in the aviation support battalion support operations section 

915A – Automotive Maintenance Warrant Officer plans, organizes, and executes field maintenance of wheeled and ground support equipment. Automotive maintenance warrant officers work in the battalion forward support maintenance companies. 

920A – Property Accounting Technician is the primary advisor to the command and supported units on all property accountability and organizational level supply matters; supervises and manages Army organizational property accounting systems. Property Accounting warrant officers work in the CAB S4 Section.

920B – Supply Systems Technician instructs, manages, and supervises personnel within a supply support activity (SSA) concerning supply systems policy and functional procedures. Supply System warrant officers work the aviation support battalion SSA.

922A – Food Service Technician manages Army food service programs and advises the commander on all matters relating to nutrition, food preparation, service, accountability and sanitation. Food Service warrant officers work in the CAB S4 Section.

948B – Electronic Systems Maintenance Warrant Officer manages, supervises and coordinates the installation, operation, repair, maintenance, modification, and calibration of radio, radar, computer, electronic data processing, navigation, avionics, communications, test measurement equipment, instruments, gauges, cryptographic equipment, night vision devices, chemical agent detectors, and monitors. Electronic Systems warrant officers work in the aviation support battalion.

Each of these warrant officers fulfills critical roles in the mission success of the CAB. They work in conjunction and coordination with all the warrant officers in aviation and non-aviation areas.

I wish everyone a safe 2014. Our thoughts are always with our brothers and sisters deployed around the world. To those preparing for deployment, train hard and prep yourselves and your equipment. Gain as much knowledge from, and ask questions of, those you are replacing. Thank you for your service 

Above The Best!

CW5 Godfrey

CW5 Allen R. “Randy” Godfrey is the chief warrant officer of the Aviation Branch with the U.S. Army Aviation Center of Excellence, Fort Rucker, AL.