Arming the Force / By COL Chris Snipes: Over the past year the Program Executive Office for Missiles and Space completed realignment and declared Full Operational Capability to focus efforts into an Integrated Fires focus set of capabilities providing Joint Multi-Domain solutions to the Warfighters. Upon successful integration between the Joint Attack Munition Systems (JAMS) and the Close Combat Weapons System (CCWS) Project Offices to create TAGM, COL David Warnick, now retired, and COL Chris Snipes executed a Change of Charter in August 2020. The TAGM Project Office remains a Product-Focused, Functionally Aligned organization. As such, the TAGM Project Office has conducted a further internal realignment to create additional product flexibility and increase synergy across the Aviation and Ground munitions portfolios in order to support both enduring and future capabilities.

PFC Brandon Norton, 1st Battalion, 63rd Armor Regiment, 1st Infantry Division, launches a Lethal Miniature Aerial Missile System (LMAMS)/ U.S. ARMY PHOTO BY SGT GREGORY SUMMERS
The first realignment action taken was to dissolve the Launcher and Test Set (LTS) Product Office and realign specific products to the Air-to-Ground Missile System (AGMS) and Aviation Rockets and Small Guided Munitions (ARSGM) Product Offices. The M299 launcher and associated test equipment was transferred to AGMS. Additionally, the M299 launcher RESET support has transitioned from TAGM to Letterkenny Army Depot. AGMS continues to procure and deliver both HELLFIRE and JAGM missiles for all services and foreign allies as required. The AGMS Product Office continues to proceed toward the JAGM Full Rate Production decision, expected in September 2022. AGMS remains the M299 executive procurement agent for all services and foreign allies.
The ARSGM Product Office has accepted the responsibility of the enduring capability for the M260/M261 rocket launchers from LTS and remains the executive procurement agent for all services and foreign military sales. ARSGM is currently supporting the Future Attack Reconnaissance Aircraft (FARA) Project Office, Army Capability Manager Attack Reconnaissance Aircraft (ACM ARA), and the Future Vertical Lift Cross-Functional Team (FVL CFT) for future capability requirements. ARSGM supports FARA and the FVL CFT by providing the engineering and acquisition expertise for the Modular Effects Launcher electronics assembly, supporting the future FARA platform and executing the enduring Long Range Precision Munition (LRPM) program. TAGM and ARSGM’s first major LRPM event was the initiation of the request for information to interested industry partners to provide a missile material solution satisfying the initial set of requirements. As the interim culminating event, TAGM, FARA, ACM ARA, and the FVL CFT will utilize the results of the 4QFY22 “Fly before you buy” Shoot-Off to inform the final set of future requirements and capabilities.
The Rapid Capability (RapCap) Product Office still executes the procurement and delivery requirements of Lethal Miniature Aerial Missile System (LMAMS), Precision Fires Manager (PFM), and Containerized Weapons System (CWS) capabilities in direct support to the Combatant Commands and the Warfighters. Additionally, RapCap is supporting the Apache Project Office to procure and minimally qualify the SPIKE Non Line of Sight missile system as an interim LRPM solution in response to the Army’s Directed Requirement.
The Tube-Launched Optically Tracked Wireless Guided Missile System (TOW) Product Office continues to improve, procure, and deliver missiles in support of Maneuver forces. The TOW Product Office is executing requirements to increase missile range, reduce time of flight, and mitigate obsolescence. To create further synergy, the TOW Product Office assumed the oversight responsibility for the Improved Bradley Acquisition System (IBAS) supporting the Mounted Armored Vehicle Project Office. The TOW Product Office continues to manage and oversee the Improved Target Acquisition System (ITAS) and the M220 launchers.
The Javelin Product Office continues its mission to provide Javelin missiles and Command Launch Units to both U.S. forces and foreign allies. The Javelin Product Office is currently executing improvements to the current missile to increase range and improve Insensitive Munition compliance. Along with the missile improvements, Javelin is also improving the Command Launch Unit (CLU). The Lightweight CLU will decrease weight by approximately 20% and offer some cost reductions. Finally, Javelin is investigating opportunities to reduce gunner engagement times and integrate the Javelin with future vehicle platforms, therefore increasing the maneuver commander’s flexibility.
The Tactical Aviation and Ground Munitions Project Office remains committed to providing a decisive advantage in Joint Multi-Domain Operations by developing, fielding, and sustaining versatile air and ground launched weapon systems. By utilizing a “People First” mentality, we ensure that our workforce remains focused to enable the Warfighters to execute their missions today and into the future, by continuously collaborating with Army Senior Leaders and our Industry partners. This focus will allow an increase in both readiness and affordability to satisfy future capabilities.
COL Chris Snipes is the program manager of the Tactical Aviation and Ground Munitions Project Office at Redstone Arsenal, AL
Above photo: Letterkenny Hellfire Reset Team