Induction into the Order of Saint Michael is intended to recognize individuals who have contributed significantly to the promotion of Army Aviation in ways that stand out in the eyes of the recipient’s seniors, subordinates, and peers. These individuals must also demonstrate the highest standards of integrity and moral character, display an outstanding degree of professional competence, and serve the United States Army Aviation or civilian aviation community with distinction.
Our recent inductees include:
March/April 2022 Issue
Aviation Center Chapter
CW4 (Ret.) Gary Pruyne is inducted into the Gold Honorable Order of St. Michael by AAAA National President, MG (Ret.) Tim Crosby, and Army Aviation Branch Chief MG David J. Francis during a ceremony at the U.S. Army Aviation Museum Jan. 28, 2022. Pruyne was recognized for his significant contributions over a lifetime of service to the Army Aviation community, its Soldiers and families. From over 900 hours of combat time as a crew chief in Vietnam to his long years of service as an instructor pilot and subject matter expert for the UH-1 and AH-1 aircraft, to serving as an SP and IE in the OH-58 and TH-67, to closing out his career training aviators in the UH-72, he is the epitome of an Army Aviation professional.
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Mount Rainier Chapter
CW5 Jesse W. Lee is inducted into the Silver Honorable Order of St. Michael, by COL Christopher Vine, Director of Aviation, First Corps G-3 Aviation during a Jan. 31, 2022 ceremony at Joint Base Lewis-McChord, WA. Lee was recognized for more than 20 years of Army Aviation dedicated service culminating as the Senior Aviation Plans Officer, First Corps G-3 Aviation.
CW4 Raphael Lopez the senior Air Traffic and Airspace management technician for America’s First Corps G-3 Aviation, is inducted into the Bronze Honorable Order of St. Michael by COL Christopher Vine, Director of Aviation, First Corps G-3 Aviation during a Jan. 31, 2022 ceremony at Joint Base Lewis-McChord, WA. Lopez was recognized for more than 26 years of service as an Air Traffic Control Operator and Air Traffic and Airspace Management Technician.
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Northern Lights Chapter
COL Adam W. Lange is inducted into the Silver Honorable Order of St. Michael by chapter senior VP, CW4 (Ret.) Eric Collier (right), and Mr. Robert “Ski” Marcinkowski, chapter treasurer, on Jan. 27, 2022 at Fort Wainwright, AK. Lange was recognized for 30 years of service to the Army., most of which were as an Aviation officer; numerous operational deployments to include Operation Iraqi Freedom and Operation Inherent Resolve; and culminating as the deputy commander for support of U.S. Army Alaska.
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Savannah Chapter
CW5 Brandon W Helms poses with his wife, two daughters and son following his induction into the Silver Honorable Order of St. Michael on Jan. 21, 2022 at Hunter Army Airfield, Savannah, GA by COL Eric Vanek, 3rd Combat Aviation Brigade Commander. Helms was recognized for 25 years of dedicated support to Army Aviation to include a maintenance evaluator with the USAACE Directorate of Evaluation and Standardization, aircraft maintenance manager and government flight representative at DCMA Boeing, and culminating as the CAB Maintenance Officer.
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Tarheel Chapter
CHAPTER COURTESY PHOTOSFC Edgar “Todd” Bowers is inducted into the Bronze Honorable Order of St. Michael by chapter president, LTC Mark Pickett on Dec. 4, 2021 during the North Carolina National Guard Annual Aviation Safety Conference at Joint Force Headquarters in Raleigh. Bowers was recognized for over 20 years of dedicated service to include personally conducting multiple lifesaving rescues with the NC Helicopter Aquatic Rescue (HART) program and instrumental in the development of the SOP and hoist techniques used in the program.
1SG Leo E. Gosney, 1SG of HHC/1-130th Attack Battalion, NCARNG, is inducted into the Bronze Honorable Order of St. Michael by chapter president, LTC Mark Pickett on Jan. 8, 2022 during a ceremony at VFW Post 7383 in Cary, NC. Cary was recognized for his over 20 years of dedicated AGR service in support of Army Aviation to include multiple deployments in support of Operations Spartan Shield and Inherent Resolve on the occasion of his change of duty to battalion operations senior noncommissioned officer.
COL Michele P. Harper, 449th Combat Aviation Brigade Commander, is inducted into the Bronze Honorable Order of St. Michael by chapter president, LTC Mark Pickett on Dec. 4, 2021 during the North Carolina National Guard Annual Aviation Safety Conference at Joint Force Headquarters in Raleigh. Harper, a Master Army Aviator with over 2,000 flight hours and a combat veteran of OIC, was recognized for her accomplishments supporting Army Aviation to include, being the first female to serve as an aviation brigade commander and state army aviation officer in the NCNG.
February 2022 Issue
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Lindbergh Chapter
Photo by: Michael G. Tesi
LTC (Ret.) Roger J. Sulzer is inducted into the Silver Honorable Order of St. Michael by chapter president David J. Weller (left) and Senior VP Timothy Hughes on Dec. 16, 2021 during the chapter holiday party at the Granite City Food & Brewery, St. Louis, MO. Sulzer was recognized for 20 years as an Army aviator with two tours in Vietnam and assignments in the Aviation test community; his many years assisting companies with procurement advice; and being one of the founding members of the Gateway Chapter of the Army Aviation Heritage Foundation.
Photo by: Michael G. Tesi
LTC (Ret.) William D. Wolfinger is inducted into the Silver Honorable Order of St. Michael by chapter president David J. Weller (left) and Senior VP Timothy Hughes on Dec. 16, 2021 during the chapter holiday party at the Granite City Food & Brewery, St. Louis, MO. Wolfinger was recognized for his successful aviation related career to include several assignments as an Aviation Maintenance Officer, service in the Secretary of the General Staff Office at the Aviation Systems Command and his last assignment in the Pentagon in charge of Special Programs. After the Army he went to work at McDonnell Douglas which was purchased by Boeing.
Photo by: Michael G. Tesi
Ms. Jan Garmon is inducted into the Bronze Honorable Order of St. Michael by chapter president, David J. Weller on Dec. 16, 2021 during the chapter holiday party at the Granite City Food & Brewery, St. Louis, MO. She was recognized for a professional career supporting Army Aviation with service in both the Program Manager Offices and the Engineering Directorate in Huntsville, AL and following retirement her support to the Lindbergh chapter as Secretary and then as VP for Member Engagement.
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North Star Chapter

Chapter courtesy photo
MAJ (P) David Wagner, executive officer of the 2-147th Assault Helicopter Battalion in St. Paul, MN, was inducted into the Bronze Honorable Order of St. Michael by AAAA National President, MG (Ret.) Tim Crosby, and COL Kevin O’Brien, 34th Expeditionary Combat Aviation Brigade Commander (both not pictured), on Dec. 4, 2021 in Bloomington, MN. Wagner was recognized for his outstanding support of Army Aviation as he prepares to change duty and assume command of the 834th Aviation Support Battalion.

Chapter courtesy photo
Ms. Brenda K. Ortmann is inducted into the Honorable Order of Our Lady of Loreto by AAAA National President, MG (Ret.) Tim Crosby (left), and COL Kevin O’Brien, 34th Expeditionary Combat Aviation Brigade Commander, on Dec. 4, 2021 in Bloomington, MN. She was recognized for her outstanding support of Army Aviation as the Soldier and Family Readiness Group Leader for Headquarters and Headquarters Company, 2-147th Assault Helicopter Battalion.
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Tennessee Valley Chapter

Photo by: William T. Crawford, Jr.
Mr. Randy L. Robinson is inducted into the Bronze Honorable Order of St. Michael by Mr. Ray K. Sellers, Special Assistant to the Program Executive Officer, Aviation, and chapter VP Government Affairs, during a Dec. 21, 2021 ceremony at Redstone Arsenal, AL. Robinson was recognized for his accomplishments as the PEO Aviation Science and Technology Lead.