Army Aviation

New Name for Fort Bragg Air Assault School

Command Sgt. Maj. Isaia Vimoto speaks during Thursday ceremony where Bragg Air Assault School was renamed in honor of Pfc. Charles DeGlopper.Fort Bragg’s Air Assault School was recently renamed for an 82nd Airborne Division paratrooper. Prior to the ceremony that recently took place, the school was simply refered to as “The Air Assault School.” The campus has been renamed in honor of Pfc. Charles N. DeGlopper. DeGlopper served with the 82nd Airborne’s 325th Glider Infantry. While serving, DeGlopper sacrificed himself to allow his platoon to escape from German force. DeGlopper posthumously received the Medal of Honor. The school will now be referred to as “The DeGlopper Air Assault School.” To read more about DeGlopper and the ceremony click here.

This article was originally found on and was written by Drew Brooks.