President’s Cockpit / MG Tim Crosby, U.S. Army Retired: We are rapidly closing in on the end of the year and a lot is going on as we start the ramp up to our busiest few months culminating in the Spring with the AAAA Annual Summit in Nashville.

Photo: CSM G. Mike Dove, is inducted into the Gold Honorable Order of St. Michael by AAAA National President, MG Tim Crosby, Ret. and U.S. Army Aviation and Missile Command Commanding General, MG Todd Royar on Aug. 13, 2021 at Redstone Arsenal, AL. Dove was recognized for his more than 27 years of Aviation Service culminating as the AMCOM command sergeant major.
First, remember we have dramatically changed the Scholarship application schedule. The window for 2022 awards opened on September 1 and closes on December 15. We already have a couple hundred received so obviously the word is getting out to the field. Keep them coming! Note to Chapter Scholarship VPs – be prepared to respond to the national office with your 2022 program as soon as you receive your fund balances in January 2022. Remember, this shift in schedule was based on feedback from the chapters and is designed to allow you to present in time for high school graduation in the Spring. Next, I am continuing my chapter visits, most recently through Arizona and Texas. I have to say it gets me pumped up to hear directly from your local leaders on current activities, plans for the future and how we at National can better support all of you. It helps me to understand the uniqueness and challenges of each chapter.
Looking forward to upcoming events, we are closely tracking progress against the Delta COVID variant with an eye towards the upcoming Joseph P. Cribbins Training, Equipping and Sustainment Symposium in Huntsville, AL November 15-17, and the Luther Jones Army Aviation Depot Forum in Corpus Christi, TX on December 7-8. As of this writing, things are looking a bit more positive, but the actual go/no go decision will be made after this issue goes to press. Frankly, a lot will depend on how the AUSA event goes in DC in October. Like AAAA, AUSA is also requiring full vaccination to attend which seems to be the emerging standard in the meetings industry nationwide. As a reminder, the Cribbins event is vastly expanded to include the Class of 2020 and 2021 Hall of Fame Inductions and the 2020 and 2021 National Awards like the Aviator of the Year, Crew Chief of the Year, and the units of the year. We expect it will end up drawing several thousand folks and evolve to be an AAAA Annual Summit (light), six months out from the big Annual event generally in Nashville each year.
With regard to the 2022 Summit, hotel reservations opened a couple weeks ago. Go online to the AAAA website, register for the Summit and then reserve a room soon. We expect that the Gaylord will sell out before too long as it did pre-COVID every year. Do it today!
In other news, the “AAAA Community” App is up and running and available. Download it today and stay up to the minute with all that is going on in our Army Aviation family.
On a sad note, I do want to mention the passing of a number of folks over the last few weeks who have been key members of our family and will be greatly missed. First, COL Sid Achée, Ret., one of the very few remaining “Cub Club” members of original Liaison pilots upon whose shoulders we all stand today. Sid was the president of the Cub Club and a true gentleman.
I also offer our condolences to Past Presidents BG Rod Wolfe, Ret., and BG Howard Yellen, Ret., who both lost their wives recently. Elleen Wolfe and Susan Yellen were outstanding AAAA First Ladies who gave so much of their time, talent, and caring to AAAA and our Soldiers. Finally, LTG Jim Pillsbury, Ret., has also just lost his valiant Becky in the last few days. Our thoughts and prayers are with all these families.
Fall is upon us and the holiday season is just around the corner. As we close on the Holiday season, cherish your families and stay safe. Army Aviation is such a large and diverse family; take the time to continue to foster the relationships and engagements afforded in this professional organization.
Lastly, we at AAAA Headquarters exist to support you. I honestly welcome your input and your feedback on how we can maintain our position as the most revered professional organization. You the members are our foundation. Above the Best
MG Tim Crosby, U.S. Army Retired
35th President, AAAA