Two S.C. Army National Guard (SCNG) CH-47D Chinook helicopters perform individual and in-formation crew-proficiency training, Columbia and Eastover, South Carolina, Aug. 6, 2016. During the flight, the crews completed several critical tasks, such as Instrumental Flight Rules (IFR) training, crew-chief progression, Night Vision Goggles (NVG), sling load operations, and crew currency training, both in daylight and night conditions. The aircrafts and the crews belong to Detachment 1, Co. B, 2-238th General Support Aviation Battalion (GSAB), 59th Aviation Troop Command, SCNG. Chinook helicopters “246” and “106” are D Model aircrafts, and are currently in the process of being replaced by the newer CH-47 F-model. (US Army National Guard Photos by Staff Sgt. Roby Di Giovine/Released)