Below is a roster of designated mailing addresses for OPERATION DESERT SHIELD based on APO New York numbers:
ARCENT G-1 09852
1st COSCOM, Ft. Bragg 09657
(129th Postal CO/Non DIV)
101st ABN DIV (AA) 09309
24th INF DIV (M) 09315
82nd ABN DIV 09656
18th ABN, AVN BDE 09657
20th Engineers, 46th ENG BN 09657
229th ATK HEL BN 09309
197th INF BDE 09315
11th ADA BDE 09656
3rd ACR 09209
Please use APO zip codes as
Rank/Full Name/SSN
Unit of Assignment/Detachment
APO New York 09XXX