21 Years Ago, January 31, 1995 / By Mark Albertson: By approval of the AAAA National Executive Board, at the March 1994 meeting, AAAA has joined the TMC or The Military Coalition. The TMC is a coalition of more than 25 associations* of military personnel, both active duty and retired, which sees to the well-being of military personnel and their families, and does so politically, working to maintain a viable defense posture and, educating the public and maintaining benefits for veterans and their families.
* According to The Military Coalition web site, some 31 military associations make up the coalition today.
Sources: See page 61, “AAAA Joins ‘The Military Coalition,’ Army Aviation, January 31, 1995 issue, by Major General Charles F. Drenz (Ret.).
The Military Coalition, www.themilitarycoalition.org