The Forward Arming and Refueling Point, run by Echo Company, 2-1 General Support Aviation Battalion, 1st Combat Aviation Brigade, 1st Infantry Division, plays a critical role in the multinational exercise, Saber Junction 19. Photo by Capt. Matthew St. Clair
Naval Medical Research Unit Daton / By Dr. Peter Le, Biomechanical Engineer: The strenuous occupational demands endured by our military aircrew have resulted in a host of musculoskeletal disorders, with the highest reports related to low back pain (LBP) and neck pain (NP). These reports are associated with high medical costs, inability to fly, as well as reduced productivity and performance, thereby affecting operational readiness and effectiveness. Although a significant amount of research has attempted to reduce the risk of LBP/NP, the problem persists as causal pathways remain unclear. Survey data have provided knowledge on areas of concern (i.e., poor cockpit ergonomics, awkward postures, whole-body vibration, head-supported masses, etc.) and corrective interventions have been deployed as an immediate response, but many have failed because they have not targeted the underlying problem.