Army Aviators to Attend National War College
(All are Lieutenant Colonels, unless otherwise noted.)
Allen, James R.
Bunyard, Jerry M.
Chritton, William R.
Mullen, Jack L.
Robertson, Victor M.
Stevens, Story C. (P)
Wooley, Wilson C.
Army Aviators to Attend the Industrial College for the Armed Forces
(All are Lieutenant Colonels, unless otherwise noted.)
Descoteau, Rudolph
Islin, John A.
Morris, John J.
Rathbone, William A.
Sergeant, Wayne B. (P)
Teague, Jerry I. (P)
Toner, Francis J.
Source: Pages 11 and 12, Army Aviation, Vol. 19, No. 12, Army Aviation Publications, Inc., Westport, Ct., December 15, 1970.