Army Aviation

100th Training Division Welcomes New Commander

1000w q95Two years after taking on the command role of the 100th Training Division, Brig. Gen. Jason L. Walrath addressed the division’s Soldiers family members and friends one final time as the outgoing commander during a Change of Command Ceremony at Brooks Parade Field, on September 11, 2016.

Maj. Gen. A. C. Roper, commander of the 80th Training Command, administered the ceremony, and during his speech, praised Walrath for his exceptional leadership. Roper said, for two consecutive years under Walrath’s command, the Instructor of the Year winners at the 80th TC, the United States Army Reserve Command and U.S. Training and Doctrine Command levels came from the 100th TD.

Walrath formally relinquished his command by handing over the division’s colors to Roper. Roper then passed on the colors to the incoming commander, Brig. Gen. Aaron T. Walter, who then officially assumed command of the 100th TD.

To read more about the ceremony, click here.